Kipchoge Debates Buying Race Photos vs. Just Sharing Watermarked Versions


Just days after making history as the first person to run the marathon distance in under two hours, Eliud Kipchoge weighed the pros and cons of purchasing the event’s official photos.

According to several sources, the Kenyan running legend was browsing race photography site yesterday with a friend, remarking on how quickly photos from the INEOS 1:59 Challenge, held Saturday, had appeared online; how few photos he had (“They only got five of me?” he said. “For the whole race?”); and the cost of MarathonFoto’s various packages.

“They’re pretty good pictures,” Kipchoge said, opening each for a larger view. “But oh, man—these prices.”

“Twenty bucks for one image?” he asked. “Seriously?”

Kipchoge went on to muse that, rather than purchase the photos, he could share the low-resolution, watermarked versions on social media.

“I think that’s allowed,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “I see other people doing it. Is it OK to do that?”

Or for $44.95, Kipchoge noted, he could purchase a digital download of all his race photos—but, he wondered aloud, “Then what?”

“I guess I could order prints through Walgreens or something,” he said, “which would cost…”

He stared at the ceiling as he did some mental math, then paused.

“They almost always have a coupon code for prints,” he mumbled.

After another long pause, Kipchoge sighed and returned to the website.

“I don’t know,” he said. “That Classic Moment Plaque would look nice in my office, I guess.”

At press time, sources said, Kipchoge was still undecided.