'I Didn't Watch the Super Bowl,' Local Runner Tells Anyone Who Will Listen
The Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers 25-22 yesterday in overtime at Super Bowl LVIII, snagging their second consecutive Super Bowl title—but local runner George Reeves wouldn’t know anything about that.
“I didn’t watch the Super Bowl,” said Reeves, 35, a longtime runner and five-time marathon finisher. “It just isn’t a big deal to me.”
“I mean, who was even playing?” he added. “I have no idea.”
At the time of publication, Reeves had repeated those statements, or some variation on them, to at least two dozen people, sources said, from close friends and coworkers to complete strangers.
“It just isn’t a big deal to me.”
Those people include five friends in a group text chain; his mother, during a short phone call; two neighbors he saw as they were leaving for work this morning; the baristas at a local coffeehouse; a group of coworkers chatting in his office break room; a UPS driver; a Subway Sandwich Artist®; and a random woman crossing the street, whom he shouted to from his third-floor office window.
It remains unclear why Reeves feels compelled to share this information, and why he assumes an air of superiority while sharing it, though some speculate it has its roots in Reeves’ childhood, when, as a quiet and bookish boy, he was regularly excluded from neighborhood and schoolyard football games.
Reached for comment, Reeves confirmed to Dumb Runner that he didn’t watch the Super Bowl.
“I never do,” he said. “It’s actually amazing how little I care about it.”